Health Care Services in Dubai
Health care services in Dubai are available to Emirati nationals, at a very nominal cost or at times free. Expatriates and tourists can also avail the same public health care services, but in such case, they need to pay for a health card, and thereafter pay the required fees on every visit. Therefore, it’s advisable in majority cases to go for a trusted health care services provider like Health Express, or go for some prevalent health coverage.

Structure of The Health Care System
As we know, Dubai is an emirate of the United Arab Emirates, and its health care system is structured at both, the central, as well as at the Emirate’s level. The Dubai Health Authority (DHA) administers both public and private health care systems, in the place. It standardises Dubai’s four major public hospitals, viz. Dubai, Hatta, Latifa, and Rashid. Each of these hospitals deals in in-patient and out-patient services. But, you need to go to them, and take your patient along, so as to avail any of their services. Estimates point out that the public health care system in Dubai is primarily consumed by citizens, who make up for about 15% of Dubai’s total population.
Insurance and EBP
Also, the process to apply for public health care services is a bit cumbersome. Anyone working rightfully in Dubai is entitled for health care coverage. Employers are required to provide basic health insurance to all expats, as well as back those working on lesser salaries, under the Essential Benefits Plan (EBP) system. To access public health care services, in government-run facilities, you need a health card. Those eligible can apply for a health card online or visit a medical facility, with a number of required credentials, and a fee.
In 2014, the Dubai Health Authority (DHA) brought a new legislation that requires all residents to have medical insurance. Additionally, the legislation mandated that companies must provide private health insurance plans in Dubai for all their expat employees.
The EBP assists foreigners on lower salaries by providing them with affordable primary health care coverage. The EBP also provides coverage to children and non-working members of their families.
Employees or their family members covered under the EBP, can expect a co-payment of 20% of medical costs at a hospital, on each visit. Co-payments are capped at one thousand Dirhams per year.
Consult a Doctor At Your Home
This being the reason why, nearly 85% of the dwellers, who are expatriates, stick generally with private health care options. Evidentially, the expats choose to carry an international private health insurance, or prefer to reach out to some private health care services provider, with a range of specialised services that suit their urgent requirements. For example, with Health Express, patients experience tinier wait times and direct access to a range of specialised services. Above all, if you are looking to refer a doctor at your place, they provide for Doctor Consultation among variety of health care services in the comfort of your home. Other services include health check-ups, lab tests (blood samples collection), nursing care, supplying trained attendants, provide for elder care, critical care, mother and baby care, diabetes care, and flu vaccination. They reach out to those in need of health care assistance, at a preferred location and time, anywhere in Dubai.