Medical check-up at home
Apart from the routine superficial body-scanning that you can do at home, it is also possible to get a proper medical check-up at home and that too with the help of trained professionals, who have spent substantial time in the field to gain pertinent practical proficiency. As an everyday regimen, you can scan your entire body, beginning with your face and slowly moving downward, checking your neck, shoulders, chest, arms (from all sides) and legs (front, back, and sides, too). Moving ahead, you can check your groin, palms, fingernails, soles of your feet, toenails, and the areas between your toes. This, you should do anyways, but how about having a comprehensive medical check-up by a trained and certified personnel, and a few laboratory tests, at your home, as this is going to reflect the actual condition of your health.

Systematic Health Screening
A regular health check-up by a certified laboratory gives you the complete assessment of the functionality of your heart, lungs, digestive system, kidneys, liver, and a comprehensive picture of your immune system. Health Express has designed a number of health check-up packages, which you can avail in the comfort of your home, and which help your doctor assess your over-all health condition. Even if you talk of the people from a generation ago, they used to see their doctors, only when they were ill, but nowadays, as people have become more educated and empowered about their own health, preventative health care is gaining relevance. Particularly, after the pandemonium that followed Corona virus, it is becoming commonplace. People are proactively seeking medical advice on how to live a healthy way of living. They are considering lowering their risk of several illnesses, by maintaining certain height-weight ratio, other parameters, and level of physical activity. But, keeping a prospective eye over reports of laboratory always pays off handsomely. More so, as doctors these days are also requesting that their patients should get regular health check-ups done, so that they stay on top of their health. They are perennially emphasising over the importance of prevention, as a means to reduce the number of patients needing medical treatment or surgery, as care.
Regular health check-ups can help locate potential health issues before they become a life-threatening health condition. When you visit your doctor as a habit, they are competent enough to identify precarious health conditions, pretty early. Early detection offers them the best chance for prescribing the right treatment quickly, avoiding any subsequent complications. By getting the appropriate health services, screenings, and treatment you are continuously moving towards living a longer, and a healthier life.
Test at home
Either you have a tight schedule with not as much of time to get your blood tests done, or you have got an elderly parent, back at home, or for any reason, you are not finding it feasible to take along your patient to a certified lab. In all such cases, you would direly want a trained blood sample collection professional to appear at your doorstep. Even if, you find it inconvenient to visit a blood testing lab for your routine blood work! Then, rest assured, as the authoritative handbook would suggest you that you are covered.
Basic Health Check-up
We hire trained people, duly authorised by DHA, the supreme health authority of Dubai. These expert technicians ensure a comfortable experience to you, as they would bring a virtual blood testing lab at your home, and you could fix an appointment to get them at your home, at a time that suits you. The link guides you through what all tests are covered in the Basic Health Check-up (BHC) package provided by Health Express. If you are still on this blog entry, then its needless to reaffirm that quality diagnosis and accurate results await you at your doorstep, in almost no time.
The BHC package is defined in a way that once you are having a through-out favourable report- it implies that you are enjoying a good overall health. But, in case, your doctor requires any specific tests to be done, then we could still be of abundant help. You could just periodically have BHC done regularly on you and stay healthy. It includes Complete Blood Count (CBC), Diabetes and Thyroid profiling, Lipid profiling, Liver and Renal profiling, Iron studies, and extensive analysis of urine.
The easy way out
A blood test is the most common diagnostic test that assists the formation of your doctor’s opinion, almost in every disease. We provide lab testing at your home– all you need, is fixing an appointment, with our representative. Trained professionals will reach you, immediately, or at a time proposed by you. Our services are long standing and time tested. It is a convenient way out to your busy schedule. It also significantly reduces your chance of attracting other infections, as you do not have to drive down to a lab. Therefore, getting tested at home can help in lessening any chances of inviting fresh infections.