Healthcare Management Consultancies

- Based on workload, we will select the technical infrastructure which will give better output and enable your facility optimization.
- Negotiation with instruments vendors for better pricing.
- Setting up the logistics channel for sample movement and preparation of work flow design.
- Training of your facility technicians on HIS & LIMS for imparting understanding of the IT systems & processes for ensuring smooth functioning.
- Healthcare Facilities, Doctors & para medical staff licensing management (DHA/DOH &MOH).
- Doctors & para medical staff job placement.
- Assistance in preparation of business plan for the your facility.
- Creation of roadmap for development of business at the your facility.
- Assistance in developing sales team for scientific promotion of various specialized tests.
- Creation of technical material including directory of services, services menu, brochures, catalogues and leaflets of the services and channelized communication to the doctors / clients.
- Quarterly monitoring of sales / Business performance and giving inputs to the respective team.
- Creation of marketing materials and technical content for conducting CMEs or presentation for doctors in the region.

- Health Express will source a state of the art HIS / IT systems for your facility.
- The HIS / LIMS is to bi-directionally interfaced with instruments allowing direct transmission of reports from instruments to printing.
- Setting up bar coding systems for sample registration & auto emailing of reports to the respective patients or doctors.
- Quality assurance is the most significant aspect of any laboratory operation. Accurate results will determine the future course of the treatment of the patients. The Doctors will prefer and recommend your facility only if the results are accurate, reliable and reproducible.
- Our team of experts will assist your facility in the following quality initiatives:
Participation in EQAS: We can create interface with national & international autonomous bodies for participation in external quality assurance schemes. The results will be further verified and studied by panel of experts.
Quality Audits: We will conduct scheduled and surprise audits of your facility to ensure all quality aspects are taken care of. the audit findings will be shared with you to ensure the implementation of corrective actions. For ease of functioning, we follow a unique point based system for ensuring quality.